Aline Charabaty, MD
east Region
Dr. Aline Charabaty is the Assistant Clinical Director of the GI Division at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Center at Johns Hopkins-Sibley Memorial Hospital. She completed her residency and GI fellowship at Georgetown University Hospital, where she joined the GI faculty and established and led the IBD center for 13 years before joining the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine faculty in January 2019.
She lectures on IBD at national meetings and has advocated for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases on behalf of the Crohns and Colitis Foundation and the AGA (American Gastroenterological Association) on the Hill. She also uses social media to educate colleagues and IBD patients. She founded @MondayNightIBD, a twitter forum that brings clinicians together to discuss the management of complex IBD cases and received the Healio Gastroenterology Disruptive Innovator Award for that initiative during (American College of Gastroenterology) ACG 2019.
Dr. Charabaty is the Chair of the Greater Washington DC/Virginia Crohns and Colitis Foundation Mission Committee since 2012 and served on the Foundation National Scientific Advisory Committee Patient Education and Physician Education Committees. She is actively involved in educational and/or advocacy activities and committees with the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) and the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG). She was selected as a Washingtonian Top Doctors by her peers.